
CrankWheel button has disappeared

If the CrankWheel button has disappeared from your browser, here are a few possible reasons and ways to fix this problem:

  1. Sometimes there isn't enough room in the top bar of Chrome for all of your browser extension buttons, and CrankWheel gets pushed to the top of the "three dots" menu. Click the "three dots" button at the very right end of the top bar of Chrome and see if the CrankWheel button shows up there. If this happens, you can either drag the edge of the address bar (between the address bar and the leftmost extension button) to the left to give more space for buttons, or you can reorder buttons by dragging and dropping so that the CrankWheel button is further to the left in the list.
  2. Do you use multiple Chrome profiles? If so, perhaps you are using a different Chrome profile than the one where you installed CrankWheel; if this might be the problem, you can try switching profiles.
  3. Perhaps you uninstalled CrankWheel by mistake? You can reinstall CrankWheel.
  4. If, when you tried to reinstall CrankWheel, you see a green button with the text "Added to Chrome" like the image below, then CrankWheel is installed in Chrome but may be disabled. Did you try the solution in point number 1 above? If that didn't fix things, you can visit chrome://extensions/, look for CrankWheel in the list of extensions you find there, and enable it by checking the checkbox next to its entry.
  5. This one is highly unlikely as we haven't changed required permissions for CrankWheel in a very long time, but it's listed here for completeness: If the "three bars" or "three dots" button in your Chrome window (near the top right of the window) has turned orange or red, it's possible that CrankWheel needs to be re-enabled, because a change in its required permissions was made. We try our very best to make such changes as infrequently as possible, but from time to time we might need to. You need to click the "three bars" button, then click "CrankWheel requires new permissions", then choose Re-enable in the pop-up dialog that is shown. See the image below:

We hope that helps you get back the CrankWheel button in your browser.

If none of those things worked, please file a ticket with us so that we can sort things out for you. You can either email, or click "Submit a request" at the top of this page.


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