If you have Trend Micro Internet Security, and you find that when you try to start a screen share using CrankWheel, the spinner just spins endlessly, then it is likely you will need to follow these steps:
- Open Trend Micro Internet Security (the main app in your taskbar), then
- Click Device
- Beside "Security settings" click Configure
- In "Internet & Email Controls" you can turn off all three features, then close down all Chrome browsers and start again (or reboot computer and start again) and this should fix the issue
- It also appears that you can leave those settings on, but add an exception under "Exception Lists", click "Websites" and add an exception first for "http*://meeting.is/*" (without the quotes) and then another one for "http*://us1.crankwheel.com/*" (also without the quotes)
- Finally, close all Chrome windows (or simply reboot your computer) and try using CrankWheel again.
If you are seeing the "Starting session" spinner spinning forever, and the issue is not what is described above, please email us at support@crankwheel.com and we help.